50 km from Cortona
A town full of history and museums, it is also a stop for students and tourists.
Indeed it is site for 2 important Universities: Università degli Studi, and Università per stranieri ( the largest in Italy ).
The historic center is located on a hill 450 metres above sea level, and it is made up of 5 districts, one for each gate.
Things to see:
– Etruscan Arch or August Arch, the most important Etruscan monument.
– The Fountain Maggiore ( 1275-1278), one of the most important monuments in Perugia and in all the Medieval sculptures.
– The Rocca Paolina is an important monument that connects Piazza Partigiani with Piazza Italia via an escalator.
Things to do during the year: Umbria Jazz, an international music festival in July; the Eurochocolate, the chocolate kermesse in October; International Journalism Festival, in April.